Sunday, January 31, 2010
Laid Off American Man...
Colitis Blue...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Like a Knife Thrown Into Barnwood...
Like a knife thrown into barnyard wood,
you get pretty good at it...
You know the weight and balance of the knife,
know the hurricane sharpness of its point
and you keep it that way, like surgical steel,
Know how to grind it down on the wheel,
keep it balanced like an aerodynamic missile...
the white-washed buildings, over the
of the dragonflies or invite them in to watch,
them and their busy dragonfly eyes...
"OK! I got the you know how to WRITE!...
Friday, January 29, 2010
Chester Case's Rule of Engagement & Clear Debating (As I recall them) 5th Period Study Hall, Spring 1960
I had already completed all the required stuff,
1. Don't be an asshole.
2. Select your peers wisely.
3. Don't get caught up in your peers' vortex.
If they're not your peers, whose are they?
If not your vortex, whose?
4. If visiting the enemy's camp, don't piss in the well
unless you've already filled your canteen.
5. Sometimes you may have to sleep with one eye open.
6. There will always be a Ralph Nader siphoning off
3-4% of the vote, learn to deal with it.
7. If two guys named Cheney and Bush
But they have theirs.
8. Don't be an asshole, see #1 above.
9. If "...the vandals took the handles," keep on truckin'.
10. Rules? Make 'em up as you go. Civilizations have
12. Remember what little you learned here and continue
13-28. Good luck.
Hors d'oeuvres On The Road...
It never took the hunger away,
it was like something my dad would do,
to keep us at the edge of our seats,
always sharp and fresh, never lagging behind...
But you're right, some of it was depressing.
It's the story of a WSB (white suburban boy)
who greets his father at age three
in a VA surgical hospital in Utah.
The latter is a blown-up survivor of WWII.
He has no hands, a severed right optic nerve,
his jaw and neck are severely lacerated
where the grenade shrapnel tore into his flesh.
The boy rode there with his mother in a train
from the San Francisco Bay Area.
The three eventually go home to San Leandro
and then to Walnut Creek, California
where three more sons are added to the family
plus a dog named Duffy, and Puss-Puss, the cat
and fifty homing pigeons...
The father becomes Prosthetic Chief
for the VA in San Francisco,
and the Mom is the patient, steady, angelic glue
that holds the whole enchilada together.
Currently the story is 67 years old,
has 40 years of poetry in it, at least a dozen songs,
and 54 weekly/Friday columns from a small
waterfront town newspaper, The Benicia Herald...
Gonna be a helluva book. Parts of it
are hilarious, reflective, insightful,
even inspirational...AND, it ain't over
until it's all written down, at least most of it.
I'll send you last week's column entitled,
"In a Quince Corner," about growing up
in the former walnut orchards of Walnut Creek.
Watch your snail mail in a day or two.
Thanks for the early comments on my Blog,
and you were right, but it's just an hors d'oeuvre
for what's still coming down the road...
With cheers, Pedro (WSB).
©Peter Bray, 1/27/10 All rights reserved
Thursday, January 28, 2010
300 Years Old...
He doesn’t look bad for 300 years old.
His skin is a mottled gray/tan, somewhat between
Tyrannosaurus Rex-gray and Pterodactyl Sky/blue-gray...
What used to be blond hair is still mostly there,
silver blond-gray, like dishwater in the summer sun
if the sun ever comes out again in the wet winter of 2010.
In three weeks he’ll get it cut again
down at Barbarella’s Three Coins and Eight Swords
in the Fountain Shop on East H Street.
He walks with a wobble and his left knee aches
when he’s been up and down on a ladder all day,
but he tries to avoid some of that except on rainy days
when work still beats hunger and all those unpaid bills.
©Peter Bray 1/28/10 All rights reserved
Devices and Birdsongs...
Left to his own devices,
he would go on publishing poetry
like the stranger at the ice station
firing rockets to the moon,
releasing mechanisms, lock and load projectiles,
sales of his last book no better than his first,
but now using the latest technology,
an icon bouncing at the bottom of the page,
opening up the latest application,
backlighted keys easy to see
in the dim light of a four o’clock morning...
The high-speed DSL cable rumbling like
a freight train outside the home/office walls,
carrying its cargo of digital chatter
somewhere out to interplanetary space,
somewhere out there where the Internet
occupies rooms for rent in the heavens.
The rings of Saturn must be
his neighbors or his peer group.
Funny how the birdsongs come and go
enhanced only by those that believe
in the magic of birdseed and birdsongs.
I suspect Emily Dickenson didn't have
this cool technology or these backlighted keys.
Think what she could have done!
©Peter Bray 1/28/10 All rights reserved
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Good Drain News...
Monday, January 25, 2010
Old Road...
pockmarked like the moon.
When the moon was new,
I was too.
I'm a dark shadow
from the back of the room.
I have no center lane
or curbs or gutters.
What gets to my shoulders
usually stays there.
I am so old even
the mirages have left.
If you travel with me,
better bring a rope, shovel
and/or an anchor,
Nagasaki and Dresden
were smooth by comparison.
Don't look for a view,
everything is regret and gravel.
Even the rear view mirrors
have turned back in fear.
I'm told the end is up ahead,
but I try to eat well and avoid it.
Determination got me this far
and every day's still a challenge
and/or a laugh.
Every roadsign I see
is missing or full
of rusted bullet holes.
But stay tuned, the radio still works,
but who's listening?
All the good songs
are still in my head.
©Peter Bray, 10/21/09 All rights reserved
Saturday, January 23, 2010
How Deep and Wide is a Gene Pool?
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Don't Let Your Altruism Kill You...
Old Man with a Blog...
Some lose their hair...
Some sit in front of the TV and stare...
Some with age grow patient and wise...
Some join the church, and bake berry pies...
Some stay active...
Some fall off a log...
Me, I'm just an old man, but I've got a BLOG!
I try to remember things that I wrote...
Some hysterical still while others that float...
on angels' wings of inspiration
either way at this age, it helps keep me in my chair...
I don't mean to be demeaning, it's all pretty funny...
Nobody said at 67, I'd still be out working for the money...
to keep me outa bedlam, and dinner on the table...
So, I'm off to work, gotta go, while I'm still able...
Check me out sometime if you really need a laugh...
I'd invite you into the stable, but I really need a bath...
OK, OK, I'm outa here and going...every duck and vessel
at the waterfront avoids the final towing...
©Peter Bray, 1/21/10 All rights reserved
Peter Bray, Handyman, poet/writer...
And check out "The A Capella Handyman,"
every Friday in The Benicia Herald,
Benicia, CA

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Gardener in the Promised Land...
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Handyman Song #12...
Notes on Design/The Magic of the Moon...
Dragonsbreath Encounters...
Cretins and druids I suppose.
I entered their lair because
that’s where the pathway
to the food had led.
One day I entered an elevated room
where the Chronicles were stacked
like washrags on the side of a tub.
I thought that was special...
The bones of cadavers
that preceded me were
evident everywhere...
I learned how to test the water
before drinking with curiosity...
Later when they closed their tent
and moved away I remembered
I had written “Can’t
Find the Pharaoh” there
and “Slingblade 2” and it was all
pretty funny in retrospect...
After the agony and testing,
a dented shield and scorch marks
always smell the same...
Hard to escape through
an air vent by “tunneling out”...
But sometimes a boneyard
is just a boneyard
despite the size of the fossils
and/or the pterodactyls entertained...
©Peter Bray, 1/17/10 All rights reserved
Two Right Shoes (Child's Song)...
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Daddy Was a Hard Drive...
Friday, January 15, 2010
The Compost News Blues
They Laid Off Santa Claus...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
No Delays For Harry...
housecat prefers his meals to be served
in a big-assed hurry, the faster
he oscillates horizontally behind my calves
while I stand at the morning stove
the hurrier he thinks I will get.
Somewhat the speed curve
if not mindset he developed while
avoiding cars in a Benicia or Vallejo
restaurant parking lot or the snap
of a frycook's towel while dining on scraps
just beyond a House of Delight's dumpster.
But Harry has come a long way.
He was bright enough to get caught
reluctantly by Friends of Animals,
get his shots, get cleaned up, and
get his ear clipped in order to label him
"Formerly Feral" for the rest of the world
into Cat Freedom just beyond our front
and/or back screendoors.
His deep and wide if not varied gene pool,
no doubt gave him his Call of the Wild talent
as a cat songwriter and performer.
If rubbing my calves exposed beneath
to the contrary, I was NOT raised by wolves...
Though patience may be learned sometimes
in a parking lot, empty with hunger while
under a restaurant's decking,
waiting in the rain...
©Peter Bray, 1/16/10 All rights reserved