
In various states and ages...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Duck Gazebo...

Text to follow after three sketches...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cellophane (For Alicia Keyes)...

I saw her on YouTube,
she was looking like a sweet
refrain, wrapped in cellophane
on a freight train, going down the aisles
making musical change for the passengers,
"Ka-ching, Ka-ching, Ka-ching."
AND she could sing!
And play piano too!
And I was a parched man,
in the desert sand, looking for a band
and she was a full waterbottle
of cranberry/apple...
("...three conductors and 24 sacks of mail...")
©Peter Bray, 2/13/10 All rights reserved
except those @Steve Goodman,
"Good Morning, America"

Graphics in the Road...

This entry under construction...
Some of the fun stuff
I've sketched or created
from the tip of the pen...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Three City Blocks Wide (On Geranium Lane)...

He decided to add to his Blog
every thought, action, and reaction
he'd ever had, every nuance, whisper,
clandestine talking with the squirrels
over how NOT to eat from the backyard
birdfeeder, like a mockingbird
with a squawk, how NOT to be scrub jay-like
eating upside down their stolen
breakfast treats...Well, this took a long time,
as you might well imagine,
so the Internet people said
they could give him space
at a premium provided that he DID NOT
sprinkle birdseed on their Welcoming mat...
And he agreed...So far his space is
3-city blocks wide somewhere
out in space where Pluto's pathway
intersects with Geranium Lane...
©Peter Bray, 2/10/10 All rights reserved

Halloween Walk 2009...

Down where seagulls fly and ducks walk,
I was trying to bring some corporate 'bling
to the waterfront, I shined my
Wingtip loafers with tassels,
made sure my Dockers were
unstained and stunning,
my blue suede jacket and
black T-shirt as poetically focused
as possible, then I added the pumpkin head,
dried flowers, miscellaneous feathers,
and the multicolored, feathered boa;
a page straight out of

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I Added Zoom to the Room...

As Halloween approached
that first year in the City,
I figured it was time to add
some Zoom to the Room...
So I found this yellow, paper,
toxics cleanup suit in a Army-Navy
Surplus store up Mission Street...
Somebody else in our department
organized the Contest,
I just showed up, AND, guess what?
I won "Pick of the Patch"!
AND I was kept around
as a Graphics Manager
for 9 more seasons...
Pretty cool, huh?
This graphic I also did
in the Los Medanos class in 2002...
©Peter Bray, 2/9/10 All rights reserved

I Landed in San Francisco...

It was too great a title
not to at least start
and add some graphics to...
These I did years later
in a web design class
at Los Medanos College in Pittsburgh
in 2002, while learning animation
which I thought I might add to my
post-Bechtel SF career...

Interestingly enough, by this time
I was tiptoe-ing out of my 50's
and into my 60's, they were getting
closer by the day...I'll be back
to expand the story...
or maybe not...Let your imagination
fill in the blanks...

After the Loma Prieta Earthquake of 1989
I rode the ferry to the City for 6 months.
It was awesome...
©Peter Bray, 2/9/10 All rights reserved

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bodega Bay Song...

Well, I don't smoke and I rarely drink,
the most I do is sit and think,
sweat and fret and worry hard
about how to make the payments
on my car...
But I ain't worrying on this day,
'cause we're down at Bodega Bay!
Bodega Bay, Bodega Bay, Bodega Bayyyyy...

Maybe see a woman, maybe catch a fish,
maybe make a big ol' wish!
But I ain't worrying on this day,
'cause we're down at Bodega Bay...
Bodega Bay, Bodega Bay, Bodega Bayyyyy...

No, No, No...I ain't worryin' and I ain't skeered,
though my friends think I'm pretty weird!
But I ain't worryin' on this day,
'cause we're down at Bodega Bay...
Bodega Bay, Bodega Bay, Bodega Bayyyy,
©Peter Bray, 1985 & 2020 All rights reserved

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

In The Beginning...

That's all there was,
and it was a kick in the pants...
And I still had time
for high school homework...
Las Lomas, 1956-'60
Walnut Creek, CA
(Good enough to get me into
UC Berkeley in the Fall of '63)